
Meet our Sponsors

This event was partially funded by Science Foundation Ireland through the SFI Centre for Research Training in Genomics Data Science under Grant number 18/CRT/6214 in addition to the sponsorship from other academic and industry bodies.

Government Organizations


CRT Genomics Data Science

The SFI Centre for Research Training in Genomics Data Science is one of six Centres for Research Training (CRTs) funded under a €100M Science Foundation Ireland initiative. The first PhD training initiative of scale with an all-Ireland remit, the Genomics Data Science CRT will train 115 PhD students across the island of Ireland over the coming seven years, with 15 to be based in Northern Ireland and 100 in the Republic of Ireland. The CRT is a partnership between the University of Galway, University College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, University College Cork, Dublin City University and Queen’s University Belfast.

For more information visit CRT Genomics Data Science website or follow their Twitter @genomicscrt


Science Foundation Ireland

Science Foundation Ireland funds oriented basic and applied research in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), which promotes and assists the development and competitiveness of industry, enterprise and employment in Ireland. The Foundation also promotes and supports the study of, education in, and engagement with STEM and promotes an awareness and understanding of the value of STEM to society and, in particular, to the growth of the economy.

For more information visit SFI website or follow their Twitter @scienceirel

Gold Sponsors


Systems Biology Ireland

Systems Biology Ireland (SBI) investigates new therapeutic approaches to disease, with a focus on cancer at a systems level. We use a combination of traditional wet-lab and computational modeling approaches to understand cellular signaling networks. SBI specialises in cellular signal transduction investigation with a particular focus on development of new diagnostics and treatment strategies for diseases. The centre has expertise in: Drug target and biomarker discovery, Patient stratification and sub-population characterisation, Combination therapy prediction and screening, Protein-Protein interaction profiling, Computational network inference and modelling, Dynamic mechanistic disease models. We collaborate nationally and internationally to produce high impact research that delivers tangible results for patients and clinicians.

For more information visit SBI website or follow their Twitter @SysBioire


Parse Biosciences

Parse Biosciences is a Seattle-based company with the mission of accelerating progress in human health and scientific research. At the core of our company is our pioneering approach for single cell sequencing. Single cell sequencing has already enabled groundbreaking discoveries which have led to new understandings of cancer treatment, tissue repair, stem cell therapy, kidney and liver disease, brain development, and the immune system. At Parse Biosciences, we are providing researchers with the ability to perform single cell sequencing with unprecedented scale and ease.

For more information visit website or follow Twitter



CloudCIX is a public Cloud service delivering flexible cost-efficient compute, storage, networking, GPU and security options. Our dedicated team of fully qualified technical engineers is at your service around the clock, ensuring your IT systems run seamlessly and reliably.

For more information visit website or follow Twitter

Silver Sponsor



Novogene utilises scientific excellence, a commitment to customer service and unsurpassed data quality to help our clients realise their research goals in the rapidly evolving world of genomics. With over 2,000 employees, multiple locations around the world, 37 NGS related patents, and over 670 publications in top tier journal such as Nature and Science, the company has rapidly become a world-leader in NGS services. In this conference, we will exhibit the latest genome sequencing solutions.

For more information visit website or follow Twitter